Categoria: Sponsors

  • falcoaria-cetraria lda

    falcoaria-cetraria lda

    falcoaria-cetraria lda English   This company’s specialty is the use of birds of prey in different situations. From recreational activities to the control of harmful birds for various economic activities. They also provide shows with birds of prey, where the public has the opportunity to closely observe birds in flight or wrist. The viewer has the…

  • IT – Instituto de Telecomunicações

    IT – Instituto de Telecomunicações English IT’s mission is to create and disseminate scientific knowledge in the field of telecommunications. it is actively involved in fundamental and applied research in telecommunications both at national and international level. Simultaneously it is committed to foster higher education and training, by hosting and tutoring graduate and postgraduate students. Portuguese O IT…

  • ULisboa

    Universidade de Lisboa English The University of Lisbon (ULisboa) is the successor of the former Technical University of Lisbon and University of Lisbon resulting from the merger of the two institutions. This project culminates in joining, in the same institution, the various areas of knowledge, thus creating the best conditions to monitor the progress of…

  • IST

    IST – Instituto Superior Técnico English The Instituto Superior Técnico mission is to contribute to the development of society, promoting a quality higher education in Engineering, Architecture, Science and Technology, at undergraduate, graduate and lifelong training, and developing research activities (R&D) essential to the progress of knowledge, and in order to teach at the highest international standards.…

  • BPI

    BPI – Banco Português de Investimento English Commercial bank BPI serves in Portugal, about 1.7 million customers – Individuals, Enterprises and Institutions – through a multichannel distribution network comprising 642 retail branches, 39 investment centers, 30,000 business partners, dedicated structures to the Corporate (47 centers) and the Institutional Clients (6 centers), telephone banking and home…


    AEIST – Associação de Estudantes do Instituto Superior Técnico English Founded on December 11, 1911, the Association of Students of the Instituto Superior Técnico always fought to defend the interests of students and the quality of education. The AEIST was, throughout his life, the protagonist of numerous episodes of the remarkable Portuguese student movement. It is no…

  • Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera

    Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera English The IPMA, I. P. (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera), is the laboratory of the State whose mission is to promote and coordinate scientific research, technological development, innovation and the provision of services in the field of sea and air, ensuring the implementation of strategies and policies…

  • Air Liquide

    Air Liquide

    Air Liquide English The Portuguese Society of Liquid Air, a subsidiary of the multinational Air Liquide, appears in Portugal in 1923 to sell oxygen and other industrial gases. Having been the first industrial gases company to start business in the country, followed since the early development of Portuguese industry and passed with her the different…



    AMRAD – Associação Portuguesa de Amadores de Rádio para a Investigação Educação e Desenvolvimento English The Portuguese Association of Amateur Radio for Education Research and Development, also designated as AMRAD, is a non-governmental organization NGO of development in activity since 1991, and was created with the purpose of promoting the Scientific Culture and technology in Portugal, as…